As we move into Monday, our temps are expected to jump up 5 degrees to the upper 80s.
That makes it hot
enough.... to start thinking about our pets, children, and seniors. Their inner temperature gauges and cooling systems don't always work the same.
In fact, it is common for a senior to feel comfortable in extreme temperatures, because they are usually cold.
And another thing -- check the ground temp. If it's too hot to your touch, it's too hot for your pet -- And bring (and drink)
extra water. The body uses a lot keeping our systems working correctly. Stay cool and take care of your self
Shakespeare Tonight
After a brilliant performance of Hamlet last night, the comedy the Twelfth Night will be performed tonight at Rush Park starting at 7:00 p.m. Both performances are put on by Shakespeare By The Sea an excellent acting troupe based in San Pedro. The event is free and any support is gladly accepted.
Rossmoor Blood Drive on
Our monthly Red Cross Blood Drive at Rush Park is this Wednesday between 9:00 and 3:00. The drive has been going string for almost three years now, and we want to thank you for your support. Your blood donations make a real difference to real people here in Southern
California. Make an appointment if you can. You rock!
Housing Element Update - Your Input Requested
The County of Orange and OC Development Services invites interested members of the community to
participate in the process to update the County of Orange Housing Element (6th Cycle, 2021-2029).
The July 2023 Draft of the Orange County Housing Element is now available for public review and
comment until July 20, 2023.
Click here to access the July 2023 Draft of the Housing Element Update on the County’s website