[rha] Toy Drive, Sweepers, Caregivers, Kids Camp & Blood Drive
Published: Sun, 11/05/23
Keep Rossmoor Safe - Slow your roll to 25 MPH
Since our temperatures have settled back into the mid-70s, and it's now dark before 6:00, those late afternoon/ early evening walks are about
If you do take a walk, wear light colored clothing or a reflective vest so you are more easily seen when you cross the street. Your safety is important. Help the drivers out.
Toy Drive!
It's time
to start thinking about the annual Rossmoor Toy Drive that benefits The Youth Center. Collection boxes are popping up all around town from Ganahl's and Garage Pilates in Los Al to Bogart's in Seal Beach there's a place you can drop off that new, unwrapped toy or gift card for the families The Youth Center will serve this holiday season. The Toy Drive runs from November 1st thought December 8th.
This upcoming Monday and Tuesday are street sweeping days. You know the drill, please move your vehicles (and waste carts) from the ODD side if the street on Monday and the EVEN side on Tuesday so our street sweepers cna clean the dirt and debris from the roadways
National Caregiver Month - November
Here's the thing about caregiving: more often than not, a caregiver is unprepared for the role, and underestimates how much time and invested energy it requires. And the one needing care often resists help, or feels no need for assistance.
This is normal, and the Alzheimer's Family Center, with their counseling sessions and care, provides much needed information and support. Reach out to them if you are feeling overwhelmed or your family member has increasing care needs related to supporting their dementia journey. More info here.
With the Thanksgiving Holiday break just a couple of weeks away, The Youth Center wnats to remind you that their Fall Break Camp has a few more spaces available. Since school is out that full week, The Youth Center has your day care needs for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday covered. No drop ins can be accepted, but you can reserve a space for your child right now by using their website. Don't miss your chance (Oh and did we mention that extended care -7:00 a.m.
to 6:00 p.m. is freefor a limited time.)
OC Health Care Agency is launching a Fentanyl is Forever media campaign. Our youth are particularly at risk and the agency has created a education and awareness campaign to help residents better understand the dangers and what they can do about it.
take note: This is about Fentanyl-related deaths, not Fentanyl overdoses.
We have created a Fentanyl Resources page to hep jump-start your fentanyl education. More information
It doesn't take much: A quantity of fentanyl the size of two grains of salt is enough to kill. We cannot over-stress the urgency of this situation. Everyone needs to have the facts, in order to protect our communities - and all children.
OCSD is holding a Town Hall on the Fentanyl Crisis
On Thursday, November 16th at the Rush Park Auditorium from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Stop by the Rossmoor Certified Farmers Market for dinner and then stop in
to find out more about fentanyl, the signs and symptoms and how to protect your family.
Did you see this....?
We're all about sharing fun learning activities. Rossmoor is proud to be recognized by the Arbor Day Foundationas a Tree City USA for the past 13 years. Help our younger residents learn why this award is so special to us, while we encourage their artistic talents, as well.
This contest, sponsored byCaliforniaReleaf.org is information-packed - and fun. California ReLeaf works statewide to promote alliances among
community-based groups, individuals, industry, and government agencies, encouraging each to contribute to the livability of our cities and the protection of our environment by planting and caring for trees.
California ReLeaf also serves as the State’s volunteer coordinator for urban forestry in partnership with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. Check out the contest for ages 5-12 here.