There is so much we have to be thankful for.
Beyond the basics of a safe place to live, clean water, and food on our tables.
Just the fact that we all live in western Orange County or that we have some of the best schools in the state would be more than enough for most people. And yet, we have more. A lot more to be thankful, no make that grateful for.
Take a moment of two today and count up 10 things that you are grateful for and just say
"thanks for giving" to whomever or whatever you say thank you to.
And then share some joy with a smile for a family member, friend, neighbor, the clerk in the store, or a complete stranger as you go through your day.
And thank you
for playing along with us today.
Warm Weather Weekend
It looks like Thanksgiving week will be warm with mid 70s temps and sunny days. and crisp upper 40 degree nights. Sounds like a perfect weekend to get the holiday decorations out and set up. Right?
Rossmoor Lights Celebration